NopeUSA.org is under construction.
Please bare with us while this site is updated. We will do our best to keep you informed of important issues pending before the Ohio legislature.
Unfortunately, this ground breaking legislation never got out of committee to reach a vote on the floor of the House or Senate. We will be working to get the legislation reintroduced as soon as possible. If you know a Senator or Rep. who is willing to reintroduce this legislation, contact us so we can provide them with any further information.
NOPE has long been active in the effort to bring about equal parenting legislation, either through the legislative process or through the court system. Two identical bills have been introduced in Ohio that will insure that children have equal access to both parents in a divorce or separation. The Benefit Statement for Senate Bill 144 and House Bill 253, also known as the “Ohio Children’s Parental Involvement Act,” is now posted at Family Benefit Statement 2012.
We have posted a brief statement on Why a Presumption of Equal Custody is required to bring Ohio custody statutes in to Constitutional Compliance. A more in-depth explanation can be found in our NOPE Constitutional Summary.
Co-founder, Chuck Evans, introduced his outline on the argument for custody as protected by the Constitution at the Healing Our Families National Conference in Detroit, MI in June 2005. We have included his outline for your education. CUSTODY-the-CONSTITUTION-Outline.pdf